3. Space and situation at home Due to the loud animal noises and the required large space required, for sure it get problems if you will keep Indian Blue Peacocks in a purely residential area. We are advising everyone not to keep Indian Blue Peacocks in such an area. Even if you spoke about it with the direct neighbours, always it ends up that one will come who feels disturbed. Then an aviary and a closed cot don’t helps.
Indian peacocks are the largest part of the year very quiet, of whom it is hardly to hear something. The problem is the mating season between April and into July. During this period the cocks are very talkative. Especially in the early morning and evening hours, you can hear the typical peafowl cry very frequently. Even then, any noise or any disturbance is reported immediately by a loud cry. This cannot be prevent by a closed cot. That’s the reason why problems will come up in purely residential areas sooner or later and then you as the owner are in a very bad position.