For the surrounding of the aviary we recommend a thick hot deep galvanized wire mesh, with a mesh size of 50 x 50 mm and a wire thickness of 2.5 mm. The wire mesh is stretched and fixed to the upper surrounding profile and the pillars with a binding wire. The best solution is as shown on the pictures if you will install at the bottom additionally a 500 to 750 mm high Casanet, otherwise small chicks will creep through the mesh of surrounding. This dangerous situation has to be prevented.
At the end you will pull at the bottom into the wire mesh a tensioning wire which is then every 1 m fixed with anchors to the concrete plates.
Finally you have to close the aviary at the top. The fastest and cheapest solution will be a net which you can order in the needed size. We chose the solution with a hot deep galvanized ma sh. So we are don’t have any figures regarding the live time of a net.
We chose wire net, because the live time is nearly endless and animals are not able to fret. Another benefit which is shown over the years is, that snow will not stack that easy on the wire mash, which is a big benefit during the winter time.
To close the aviary on top we recommend a hot deep galvanized wire mesh, with a mesh size of 50 x 50 mm and a wire thickness of 2.2 mm.